Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Aspects of Foundry by Silvia Baldin

The Project Leaders: The training also includes new advanced business practices and technology methodologies such as extreme programming or user profiling and best of practices like Real Options, Fifth Discipline and Strategic Marketing. In addition, Enhanced Communications training is provided at all layers of technologies from chips to applications. Thus, the Foundry’s re-training and job creation delivers excellence and positions the new Enhanced Communications industry on a successful path lead exclusively by our elite project leaders.

Enhanced Communications is a new approach to telecommunications that can provide secure access to data at any time, anywhere and on any communications device as a result of new system architecture that builds upon the existing telecom infrastructure. The scalable Enhanced Communications approach can bridge IP and non-IP networks using an open-pipe, multi-protocol, peer-to-peer architecture that will provide the foundation for the next major paradigm shift in the telecom and datacom industries.