Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Foundry and it's mission by Silvia Baldin

The Foundry’s development programs provide fully-funded viable structures for business R&D, to address alpha-beta development projects for strategic customers that include global telecommunications carriers, network equipment manufacturers, information technology companies, and digital content providers. The projects developed by the Foundry are all pre-funded by the SigEx Ventures investment fund and are sustainable for a period of 12 to 18 months. The most successful of these may become sustainable practices. The first Enhanced Communications project companies have emerged since the Foundry's opening in early 2003.

The Foundry has established a global European training and development center in Pau, France, which is accepting student-candidates for pre-funded project-practices. The mission of the center in Pau will be to promote technology research, prepare engineers and business professionals for positions in the Enhanced Communications industry, and launch project-practices into emerging US, European and Chinese markets. The facility will also offer educational programs to SigEx clients on a global basis through distance learning. The Foundry will be accepting research grant applications and Ph.D. candidates in telecommunications, applied mathematics, computer science, electrical engineering, economics and business, and marketing communications practices.