Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Enhanced Communications

escription of the Foundry

The Foundry projects for SigEx will support numerous technology leaders including: SAP, Vivendi, SONY, AOL Time Warner, eBay, Cisco, IBM, Sun, Apple, Nokia, Siemens, Alcatel and international carriers. The mandate to build the new communications industry and support existing telecommunications infrastructures will be deployed with Fortune 1000 strategic customers.

What is Enhanced Communications?
The Practice: The Foundry is much more than a think tank where great practices and ideas get nurtured. The Foundry is a model of real economic life that tests the ideas, the teams, the technology, the revenue models and the culture against actual business scenarios to see whether they have the right to succeed in the outside world. The validation includes direct practicing with strategic customers, publications and patents as well as financial modeling and analysis. A short intense process creates the right competitive environment to breed excellenc