Sunday, February 18, 2007

SigEx Foundry's Elite Venture School by Silvia Baldin

Attracting Leaders

The SigEx Foundry is actively recruiting individuals and established technology project teams to participate in the emerging Enhanced Communications industry that promises to become “The Next Big Thing”. A paradigm shift is underway in the telecommunications industry, as an established, unprofitable business model gives way to new, parallel processing, multi-protocol solutions that can bridge previously incompatible networks and deliver digital content when and where it is needed. This paradigm shift provides excellent opportunities for individuals willing to participate in and build this new industry.

Like the space program in the 1960’s, which had to recruit and train jet pilots because there were no trained astronauts to choose from, the Enhanced Communications industry must recruit and train the best engineers, researchers, and business leaders from related areas of technology and telecommunications. The SigEx Foundry’s three- to six- month training program in Pau, France, offers a short, intense training in Enhanced Communications. Successful completion of the program leads to opportunities in sustainable project companies in this new industry.

Although we value candidates with certain profiles, all candidates are at the same level when entering The SigEx Foundry. Team leaders step up to take the lead, and must demonstrate their ability to lead, recruit and attract customers and capital.

To date, more than 20,000 resumes have been received from Ph.D. and MBA candidates as well as engineers and business professionals with proven track records in technology and telecommunications. We welcome candidates from many disciplines and regions. To date, we have received an excellent response from candidates in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and North America.

To apply, send resumes to